- Benefits of Sponsorship
- Opportunity to connect with professionals via our regular face to face and webinar events and our website.
- Opportunity to showcase relevant tools and methodology as, while we are vendor neutral, we want to ensure that our members are kept informed of the latest innovations.
- Opportunity to contribute to the development of the Data Management profession.
- Sponsorship for 12 Months / 4 contiguous Events
- Logo on DAMASFL website with sponsor link
- Paragraph about Sponsor with contact on Sponsor Page
- Slide on DAMASFL slide deck at event
- Brief 2-minute introduction by sponsor at each event
- Ability to pass out vendor information with a table at on-site DAMASFL events
- Present prize from company ($100 min value) at meeting end
- Free registration for all DAMA South Florida Chapter Events
- Sponsorship for 12 Months / 4 contiguous Events
- Logo on DAMASFL emails
- Logo on DAMASFL website with sponsor link
- Paragraph about Sponsor with contact on Sponsor Page
- Slide on DAMASFL slide deck at event
- Brief 3-minute introduction at each meeting
- Ability to pass out vendor information with a table at on-site DAMASFL events
- Present prize from company ($100 min value) at meeting end
- Free registration for all DAMA South Florida Chapter Events
- Yearly, one half-hour product-based presentation at one DAMASFL event